Source code for sklego.preprocessing.intervalencoder

    import cvxpy as cp
except ImportError:
    from sklego.notinstalled import NotInstalledPackage

    cp = NotInstalledPackage("cvxpy")

import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.utils import check_array, check_X_y
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

def _mk_monotonic_average(xs, ys, intervals, method="increasing", **kwargs):
    Creates smoothed averages of `ys` at the intervals given by `intervals`.
    :param xs: all the datapoints of a feature (represents the x-axis)
    :param ys: all the datapoints what we'd like to predict (represents the y-axis)
    :param intervals: the intervals at which we'd like to get a good average value
    :param method: the method that is used for smoothing, can be either `increasing` or `decreasing`.
        An array as long as `intervals` that represents the average `y`-values at those intervals,
        keeping the constraint in mind.
    x_internal = np.array([xs >= i for i in intervals]).T.astype(np.float)
    betas = cp.Variable(x_internal.shape[1])
    objective = cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(x_internal * betas - ys))
    if method == "increasing":
        constraints = [betas[i + 1] >= 0 for i in range(betas.shape[0] - 1)]
    elif method == "decreasing":
        constraints = [betas[i + 1] <= 0 for i in range(betas.shape[0] - 1)]
        raise ValueError(
            f"method must be either `increasing` or `decreasing`, got: {method}"
    prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
    return betas.value.cumsum()

def _mk_average(xs, ys, intervals, method="average", span=1, **kwargs):
    Creates smoothed averages of `ys` at the intervals given by `intervals`.
    :param xs: all the datapoints of a feature (represents the x-axis)
    :param ys: all the datapoints what we'd like to predict (represents the y-axis)
    :param intervals: the intervals at which we'd like to get a good average value
    :param method: the method that is used for smoothing, can be either `average` or `normal`.
    :param span: if the method is `average` then this is the span around the interval
    that is used to determine the average `y`-value, if the method is `normal` the span
    becomes the value of sigma that is used for weighted averaging
        An array as long as `intervals` that represents the average `y`-values at those intervals.
    results = np.zeros(intervals.shape)
    for idx, interval in enumerate(intervals):
        if method == "average":
            distances = 1 / (0.01 + np.abs(xs - interval))
            predicate = (xs < (interval + span)) | (xs < (interval - span))
        elif method == "normal":
            distances = np.exp(-((xs - interval) ** 2) / span)
            predicate = xs == xs
            raise ValueError("method needs to be either `average` or `normal`")
        subset = ys[predicate]
        dist_subset = distances[predicate]
        results[idx] = np.average(subset, weights=dist_subset)
    return results

[docs]class IntervalEncoder(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator): """ The interval encoder bends features in `X` with regards to`y`. We take each column in X separately and smooth it towards `y` using the strategy that is defined in `method`. Note that this allows us to make certain features strictly monotonic in your machine learning model if you follow this with an appropriate model. :param n_chunks: the number of cuts that makes the interval :param method: the interpolation method used, must be in ["average", "normal", "increasing", "decreasing"], default: "normal" :param span: a hyperparameter for the interpolation method, if the method is `normal` it resembles the width of the radial basis function used to weigh the points. It is ignored if if the method is "increasing" or "decreasing". """ def __init__(self, n_chunks=10, span=1, method="normal"): self.span = span self.method = method self.n_chunks = n_chunks
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """Fits the estimator""" allowed_methods = ["average", "normal", "increasing", "decreasing"] if self.method not in allowed_methods: raise ValueError( f"`method` must be in {allowed_methods}, got `{self.method}`" ) if self.n_chunks <= 0: raise ValueError(f"`n_chunks` must be >= 1, received {self.n_chunks}") if self.span > 1.0: raise ValueError( f"Error, we expect 0 <= span <= 1, received span={self.span}" ) if self.span < 0.0: raise ValueError( f"Error, we expect 0 <= span <= 1, received span={self.span}" ) # these two matrices will have shape (columns, quantiles) # quantiles indicate where the interval split occurs X, y = check_X_y(X, y, estimator=self) self.quantiles_ = np.zeros((X.shape[1], self.n_chunks)) # heights indicate what heights these intervals will have self.heights_ = np.zeros((X.shape[1], self.n_chunks)) self.num_cols_ = X.shape[1] average_func = ( _mk_average if self.method in ["average", "normal"] else _mk_monotonic_average ) for col in range(X.shape[1]): self.quantiles_[col, :] = np.quantile( X[:, col], q=np.linspace(0, 1, self.n_chunks) ) self.heights_[col, :] = average_func( X[:, col], y, self.quantiles_[col, :], span=self.span, method=self.method, ) return self
[docs] def transform(self, X): """ Transform each column such that it is bends smoothly towards y. """ check_is_fitted(self, ["quantiles_", "heights_", "num_cols_"]) X = check_array(X, estimator=self) if X.shape[1] != self.num_cols_: raise ValueError( f"fitted on {self.num_cols_} features but received {X.shape[1]}" ) transformed = np.zeros(X.shape) for col in range(transformed.shape[1]): transformed[:, col] = np.interp( X[:, col], self.quantiles_[col, :], self.heights_[col, :] ) return transformed