Source code for sklego.pipeline

Pipelines, variances to the :class:`sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline` object.

import logging
import time

from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_memory
from sklearn.pipeline import _name_estimators

[docs]def default_log_callback(output, execution_time, **kwargs): """ The default log callback which logs the step name, shape of the output and the execution time of the step. :param tuple output: (:class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`pandas.DataFrame`, \ :class:`estimator` or :class:`transformer`) The output of the step and a step in the pipeline. :param float execution_time: The execution time of the step. .. note:: If you write your custom callback function the input is: :param function func: The function to be wrapped. :param tuple input_args: The input arguments. :param dict input_kwargs: The input key-word arguments. :param output: The output of the function. :param execution_time float: The execution time. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) step_result, step = output"[{step}] shape={step_result.shape} " f"time={int(execution_time)}s")
def _log_wrapper(log_callback=default_log_callback): """ Function wrapper to log information after the function is called, about the function, input args, input kwargs, output and the execution time. :param function log_callback: optional. The log callback which is called after `func` is called. Defaults to :func:`default_log_callback`. Note, this function should expect the same arguments as the default. :returns: The function wrapped with a log callback. :rtype: function """ def _(func): def _(*args, **kwargs): start_time = time.time() output = func(*args, **kwargs) execution_time = time.time() - start_time log_callback( func=func, input_args=args, input_kwargs=kwargs, output=output, execution_time=execution_time, ) return output return _ return _ def _cache_with_function_log_statement(log_callback=default_log_callback): """ Wraps the `func` with :func:`_log_wrapper` before passing it to :method:`_cache`. :param function log_callback: optional. The log callback function. Defaults to :func:default_log_callback. :returns: The cache where its function is wrapped with a log statement. """ def _(self, func=None, *args, **kwargs): if callable(func): func = _log_wrapper(log_callback)(func) return self._cache(func=func, *args, **kwargs) return _
[docs]class DebugPipeline(Pipeline): ''' A pipeline that has a log statement in between each step, useful for debugging. :ivar log_callback: optional. The callback function that logs information in between each intermediate step. Defaults to None. If set to `'default'`, :func:`default_log_callback` is used. See :func:`default_log_callback` for an example. See :class:`sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline` for all other variables. .. note:: This implementation is a hack on the original sklearn Pipeline. It aims to have the same behaviour as the original sklearn Pipeline, while changing minimal amount of code. The log statement is added by overwriting the cache method of the memory, such that the function called in the cache is wrapped with a functions that calls the log callback function (`log_callback`). This hack breaks will break when: - The SKlearn pipeline initialization function is changed. - The memory is used differently in the fit. - The :class:`joblib.memory.Memory` changes behaviour of the :func:`cache` method.. - The :class:`joblib.memory.Memory` starts using a :func:`_cache` method. :Example: >>> # Set-up for example >>> import logging >>> import sys >>> >>> import numpy as np >>> import pandas as pd >>> >>> from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin >>> from sklego.pipeline import DebugPipeline >>> >>> logging.basicConfig( ... format=('[%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d] - %(message)s'), ... level=logging.INFO, ... stream=sys.stdout, ... ) >>> >>> # DebugPipeline set-up >>> n_samples, n_features = 3, 5 >>> X = np.zeros((n_samples, n_features)) >>> y = np.arange(n_samples) >>> >>> class Adder(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator): ... def __init__(self, value): ... self._value = value ... ... def fit(self, X, y=None): ... return self ... ... def transform(self, X): ... return X + self._value ... ... def __repr__(self): ... return f'Adder(value={self._value})' >>> >>> steps = [ ... ('add_1', Adder(value=1)), ... ('add_10', Adder(value=10)), ... ('add_100', Adder(value=100)), ... ('add_1000', Adder(value=1000)), ... ] >>> >>> # The DebugPipeline behaves the sames as the Sklearn pipeline. >>> pipe = DebugPipeline(steps) >>> >>> _ =, y=y) >>> print(pipe.transform(X)) [[1111. 1111. 1111. 1111. 1111.] [1111. 1111. 1111. 1111. 1111.] [1111. 1111. 1111. 1111. 1111.]] >>> >>> # But it has the option to set a `log_callback`, that logs in between >>> # each step. >>> pipe = DebugPipeline(steps, log_callback='default') >>> >>> _ =, y=y) [default_log_callback:34] - [Adder(value=1)] shape=(3, 5) time=0s [default_log_callback:34] - [Adder(value=10)] shape=(3, 5) time=0s [default_log_callback:34] - [Adder(value=100)] shape=(3, 5) time=0s >>> print(pipe.transform(X)) [[1111. 1111. 1111. 1111. 1111.] [1111. 1111. 1111. 1111. 1111.] [1111. 1111. 1111. 1111. 1111.]] >>> >>> # It is possible to set the `log_callback` later then initialisation. >>> pipe = DebugPipeline(steps) >>> pipe.log_callback = 'default' >>> >>> _ =, y=y) [default_log_callback:34] - [Adder(value=1)] shape=(3, 5) time=0s [default_log_callback:34] - [Adder(value=10)] shape=(3, 5) time=0s [default_log_callback:34] - [Adder(value=100)] shape=(3, 5) time=0s >>> print(pipe.transform(X)) [[1111. 1111. 1111. 1111. 1111.] [1111. 1111. 1111. 1111. 1111.] [1111. 1111. 1111. 1111. 1111.]] >>> >>> # It is possible to define your own `log_callback` >>> def log_callback(output, execution_time, **kwargs): ... """My custom `log_callback` function ... ... Parameters ... ---------- ... output : tuple( ... numpy.ndarray or pandas.DataFrame ... :class:estimator or :class:transformer ... ) ... The output of the step and a step in the pipeline. ... execution_time : float ... The execution time of the step. ... ... Note ... ---------- ... The **kwargs are for arguments that are not used in this callback. ... """ ... logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ... step_result, step = output ... ... f'[{step}] shape={step_result.shape} ' ... f'nbytes={step_result.nbytes} time={int(execution_time)}s') >>> >>> pipe.log_callback = log_callback >>> >>> _ =, y=y) [log_callback:20] - [Adder(value=1)] shape=(3, 5) nbytes=120 time=0s [log_callback:20] - [Adder(value=10)] shape=(3, 5) nbytes=120 time=0s [log_callback:20] - [Adder(value=100)] shape=(3, 5) nbytes=120 time=0s >>> print(pipe.transform(X)) [[1111. 1111. 1111. 1111. 1111.] [1111. 1111. 1111. 1111. 1111.] [1111. 1111. 1111. 1111. 1111.]] >>> >>> # Remove the `log_callback` when you want to stop logging. >>> pipe.log_callback = None >>> >>> _ =, y=y) >>> print(pipe.transform(X)) [[1111. 1111. 1111. 1111. 1111.] [1111. 1111. 1111. 1111. 1111.] [1111. 1111. 1111. 1111. 1111.]] >>> >>> # Logging also works with FeatureUnion >>> from sklearn.pipeline import FeatureUnion >>> pipe_w_default_log_callback = DebugPipeline(steps, log_callback='default') >>> pipe_w_custom_log_callback = DebugPipeline(steps, log_callback=log_callback) >>> >>> pipe_union = DebugPipeline([ ... ('feature_union', FeatureUnion([ ... ('pipe_w_default_log_callback', pipe_w_default_log_callback), ... ('pipe_w_custom_log_callback', pipe_w_custom_log_callback), ... ])), ... ('final_adder', Adder(10000)) ... ], log_callback='default') >>> >>> _ =, y=y) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS [default_log_callback:34] - [Adder(value=1)] shape=(3, 5) time=0s [default_log_callback:34] - [Adder(value=10)] shape=(3, 5) time=0s [default_log_callback:34] - [Adder(value=100)] shape=(3, 5) time=0s [log_callback:20] - [Adder(value=1)] shape=(3, 5) nbytes=120 time=0s [log_callback:20] - [Adder(value=10)] shape=(3, 5) nbytes=120 time=0s [log_callback:20] - [Adder(value=100)] shape=(3, 5) nbytes=120 time=0s [default_log_callback:34] - [FeatureUnion(...)] shape=(3, 10) time=0s >>> print(pipe_union.transform(X)) [[11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111.] [11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111.] [11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111. 11111.]] ''' def __init__(self, steps, memory=None, verbose=False, *, log_callback=None): self.log_callback = log_callback super().__init__(steps=steps, memory=memory, verbose=verbose) @property def memory(self): # When no log callback function is given, change nothing. # Or, if the memory cache was changed, set it back to its original. if self._log_callback is None: if hasattr(self._memory, "_cache"): self._memory.cache = self._memory._cache return self._memory self._memory = check_memory(self._memory) # Overwrite cache function of memory such that it logs the # output when the function is called if not hasattr(self._memory, "_cache"): self._memory._cache = self._memory.cache self._memory.cache = _cache_with_function_log_statement( self._log_callback ).__get__(self._memory, self._memory.__class__) return self._memory @memory.setter def memory(self, memory): self._memory = memory @property def log_callback(self): return self._log_callback @log_callback.setter def log_callback(self, func): self._log_callback = func if self._log_callback == "default": self._log_callback = default_log_callback
[docs]def make_debug_pipeline(*steps, **kwargs): """Construct a DebugPipeline from the given estimators. This is a shorthand for the DebugPipeline constructor; it does not require, and does not permit, naming the estimators. Instead, their names will be set to the lowercase of their types automatically. Parameters ---------- *steps : list of estimators. memory : None, str or object with the joblib.Memory interface, optional Used to cache the fitted transformers of the pipeline. By default, no caching is performed. If a string is given, it is the path to the caching directory. Enabling caching triggers a clone of the transformers before fitting. Therefore, the transformer instance given to the pipeline cannot be inspected directly. Use the attribute ``named_steps`` or ``steps`` to inspect estimators within the pipeline. Caching the transformers is advantageous when fitting is time consuming. verbose : boolean, default=False If True, the time elapsed while fitting each step will be printed as it is completed. log_callback: string, default=None. The callback function that logs information in between each intermediate step. Defaults to None. If set to `'default'`, :func:`default_log_callback` is used. See :func:`default_log_callback` for an example. See Also -------- sklego.pipeline.DebugPipeline : Class for creating a pipeline of transforms with a final estimator. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB >>> from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler >>> make_debug_pipeline(StandardScaler(), GaussianNB(priors=None)) DebugPipeline(steps=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler()), ('gaussiannb', GaussianNB())]) Returns ------- p : DebugPipeline """ memory = kwargs.pop('memory', None) verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', False) log_callback = kwargs.pop('log_callback', None) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unknown keyword arguments: "{}"' .format(list(kwargs.keys())[0])) return DebugPipeline(_name_estimators(steps), memory=memory, verbose=verbose, log_callback=log_callback)