Source code for sklego.pandas_utils

import datetime as dt
import inspect
from functools import partial, wraps

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import shift

from sklego.common import as_list

def _get_shape_delta(old_shape, new_shape):
    diffs = [
        ("+" if new > old else "") + str(new - old)
        for new, old in zip(new_shape, old_shape)

    return f"delta=({', '.join(diffs)})"

[docs]def log_step( func=None, *, time_taken=True, shape=True, shape_delta=False, names=False, dtypes=False, print_fn=print, display_args=True, log_error=True, ): """ Decorates a function that transforms a pandas dataframe to add automated logging statements :param func: callable, function to log, defaults to None :param time_taken: bool, log the time it took to run a function, defaults to True :param shape: bool, log the shape of the output result, defaults to True :param shape_delta: bool, log the difference in shape of input and output, defaults to False :param names: bool, log the names of the columns of the result, defaults to False :param dtypes: bool, log the dtypes of the results, defaults to False :param print_fn: callable, print function (e.g. print or, defaults to print :param print_args: bool, whether or not to print the arguments given to the function. :param log_error: bool, whether to add the Exception message to the log if the function fails, defaults to True. :returns: the result of the function :Example: >>> @log_step ... def remove_outliers(df, min_obs=5): ... pass >>> @log_step(, shape_delta=True) ... def remove_outliers(df, min_obs=5): ... pass """ if func is None: return partial( log_step, time_taken=time_taken, shape=shape, shape_delta=shape_delta, names=names, dtypes=dtypes, print_fn=print_fn, display_args=display_args, log_error=log_error, ) names = False if dtypes else names @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if shape_delta: old_shape = args[0].shape tic = optional_strings = [] try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) optional_strings = [ f"time={ - tic}" if time_taken else None, f"n_obs={result.shape[0]}, n_col={result.shape[1]}" if shape else None, _get_shape_delta(old_shape, result.shape) if shape_delta else None, f"names={result.columns.to_list()}" if names else None, f"dtypes={result.dtypes.to_dict()}" if dtypes else None, ] return result except Exception as exc: optional_strings = [ f"time={ - tic}" if time_taken else None, "FAILED" + (f" with error: {exc}" if log_error else "") ] raise finally: combined = " ".join([s for s in optional_strings if s]) if display_args: func_args = inspect.signature(func).bind(*args, **kwargs).arguments func_args_str = "".join( ", {} = {!r}".format(*item) for item in list(func_args.items())[1:] ) print_fn(f"[{func.__name__}(df{func_args_str})] " + combined,) else: print_fn(f"[{func.__name__}]" + combined,) return wrapper
[docs]def log_step_extra( *log_functions, print_fn=print, **log_func_kwargs, ): """ Decorates a function that transforms a pandas dataframe to add automated logging statements :param *log_functions: callable(s), functions that take the output of the decorated function and turn it into a log. Note that the output of each log_function is casted to string using `str()` :param print_fn: callable, print function (e.g. print or, defaults to print :param **log_func_kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to log_functions :returns: the result of the function :Example: >>> @log_step_extra(lambda d: d["some_column"].value_counts()) ... def remove_outliers(df, min_obs=5): ... pass """ if not log_functions: raise ValueError("Supply at least one log_function for log_step_extra") def _log_step_extra(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): result = func(*args, **kwargs) func_args = inspect.signature(func).bind(*args, **kwargs).arguments func_args_str = "".join( ", {} = {!r}".format(*item) for item in list(func_args.items())[1:] ) try: extra_logs = " ".join( [str(log_f(result, **log_func_kwargs)) for log_f in log_functions] ) except TypeError: raise ValueError( f"All log functions should be callable, got {[type(log_f) for log_f in log_functions]}" ) print_fn(f"[{func.__name__}(df{func_args_str})] " + extra_logs,) return result return wrapper return _log_step_extra
[docs]def add_lags(X, cols, lags, drop_na=True): """ Appends lag column(s). :param X: array-like, shape=(n_columns, n_samples,) training data. :param cols: column name(s) or index (indices). :param lags: the amount of lag for each col. :param drop_na: remove rows that contain NA values. :returns: ``pd.DataFrame | np.ndarray`` with only the selected cols. :Example: >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3], ... [4, 5, 6], ... [7, 8, 9]], ... columns=['a', 'b', 'c'], ... index=[1, 2, 3]) >>> add_lags(df, 'a', [1]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE a b c a1 1 1 2 3 4.0 2 4 5 6 7.0 >>> add_lags(df, ['a', 'b'], 2) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE a b c a2 b2 1 1 2 3 7.0 8.0 >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([[1, 2, 3], ... [4, 5, 6], ... [7, 8, 9]]) >>> add_lags(X, 0, [1]) array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 5, 6, 7]]) >>> add_lags(X, 1, [-1, 1]) array([[4, 5, 6, 2, 8]]) """ # A single lag will be put in a list lags = as_list(lags) # Now we can iterate over the list to determine # whether it is a list of integers if not all(isinstance(x, int) for x in lags): raise ValueError("lags must be a list of type: " + str(int)) # The keys of the allowed_inputs dict contain the allowed # types, and the values contain the associated handlers allowed_inputs = { pd.core.frame.DataFrame: _add_lagged_pandas_columns, np.ndarray: _add_lagged_numpy_columns, } # Choose the correct handler based on the input class for allowed_input, handler in allowed_inputs.items(): if isinstance(X, allowed_input): return handler(X, cols, lags, drop_na) # Otherwise, raise a ValueError allowed_input_names = list(allowed_inputs.keys()) raise ValueError("X type should be one of:", allowed_input_names)
def _add_lagged_numpy_columns(X, cols, lags, drop_na): """ Append a lag columns. :param df: the input ``np.ndarray``. :param cols: column index / indices. :param drop_na: remove rows that contain NA values. :returns: ``np.ndarray`` with the concatenated lagged cols. """ cols = as_list(cols) if not all([isinstance(col, int) for col in cols]): raise ValueError("Matrix columns are indexed by integers") if not all([col < X.shape[1] for col in cols]): raise KeyError("The column does not exist") combos = (shift(X[:, col], -lag, cval=np.NaN) for col in cols for lag in lags) # In integer-based ndarrays, NaN values are represented as # -9223372036854775808, so we convert back and forth from # original to float and back to original dtype original_type = X.dtype X = np.asarray(X, dtype=float) answer = np.column_stack((X, *combos)) # Remove rows that contain NA values when drop_na is truthy if drop_na: answer = answer[~np.isnan(answer).any(axis=1)] # Change dtype back to its original answer = np.asarray(answer, dtype=original_type) return answer def _add_lagged_pandas_columns(df, cols, lags, drop_na): """ Append a lag columns. :param df: the input ``pd.DataFrame``. :param cols: column name(s). :param drop_na: remove rows that contain NA values. :returns: ``pd.DataFrame`` with the concatenated lagged cols. """ cols = as_list(cols) # Indexes are not supported as pandas column names may be # integers themselves, introducing unexpected behaviour if not all([col in df.columns.values for col in cols]): raise KeyError("The column does not exist") combos = ( df[col].shift(-lag).rename(col + str(lag)) for col in cols for lag in lags ) answer = pd.concat([df, *combos], axis=1) # Remove rows that contain NA values when drop_na is truthy if drop_na: answer = answer.dropna() return answer