Source code for sklego.meta.grouped_transformer
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin, clone
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
from ._grouped_utils import _split_groups_and_values
[docs]class GroupedTransformer(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
Construct a transformer per data group. Splits data by groups from single or multiple columns
and transforms remaining columns using the transformers corresponding to the groups.
:param transformer: the transformer to be applied per group
:param groups: the column(s) of the matrix/dataframe to select as a grouping parameter set. If None,
the transformer will be applied to the entire input without grouping
:param use_global_model: Whether or not to fall back to a general transformation in case a group
is not found during `.transform()`
_check_kwargs = {"accept_large_sparse": False}
def __init__(self, transformer, groups, use_global_model=True):
self.transformer = transformer
self.groups = groups
self.use_global_model = use_global_model
def __fit_single_group(self, group, X, y=None):
return clone(self.transformer).fit(X, y)
except Exception as e:
raise type(e)(f"Exception for group {group}: {e}")
def __fit_grouped_transformer(
self, X_group: pd.DataFrame, X_value: np.array, y=None
"""Fit a transformer to each group"""
# Make the groups based on the groups dataframe, use the indices on the values array
group_indices = X_group.groupby(X_group.columns.tolist()).indices
except TypeError:
# This one is needed because of line #918 of sklearn/utils/estimator_checks
raise TypeError("argument must be a string, date or number")
if y is not None:
if isinstance(y, pd.Series):
y.index = X_group.index
grouped_transformers = {
# Fit a clone of the transformer to each group
group: self.__fit_single_group(group, X_value[indices, :], y[indices])
for group, indices in group_indices.items()
grouped_transformers = {
group: self.__fit_single_group(group, X_value[indices, :])
for group, indices in group_indices.items()
return grouped_transformers
def __check_transformer(self):
if not hasattr(self.transformer, "transform"):
raise ValueError(
"The supplied transformer should have a 'transform' method"
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None):
Fit the transformers to the groups in X
:param X: Array-like with at least two columns, of which at least one corresponds to groups defined in init,
and the remaining columns represent the values to transform.
:param y: (Optional) target variable
self.fallback_ = None
if self.groups is None:
self.transformers_ = clone(self.transformer).fit(X, y)
return self
X_group, X_value = _split_groups_and_values(
X, self.groups, **self._check_kwargs
self.transformers_ = self.__fit_grouped_transformer(X_group, X_value, y)
if self.use_global_model:
self.fallback_ = clone(self.transformer).fit(X_value)
return self
def __transform_single_group(self, group, X):
"""Transform a single group by getting its transformer from the fitted dict"""
# Keep track of the original index such that we can sort in __transform_groups
index = X.index
group_transformer = self.transformers_[group]
except KeyError:
if self.fallback_:
group_transformer = self.fallback_
raise ValueError(
f"Found new group {group} during transform with use_global_model = False"
return pd.DataFrame(group_transformer.transform(X)).set_index(index)
def __transform_groups(self, X_group: pd.DataFrame, X_value: np.array):
"""Transform all groups"""
# Reset indices such that they are the same in X_group (reset in __check_grouping_columns),
# this way we can track the order of the result
X_value = pd.DataFrame(X_value).reset_index(drop=True)
# Make the groups based on the groups dataframe, use the indices on the values array
group_indices = X_group.groupby(X_group.columns.tolist()).indices
return (
self.__transform_single_group(group, X_value.loc[indices, :])
for group, indices in group_indices.items()
[docs] def transform(self, X):
Fit the transformers to the groups in X
:param X: Array-like with columns corresponding to the ones in .fit()
check_is_fitted(self, ["fallback_", "transformers_"])
if self.groups is None:
return self.transformers_.transform(X)
X_group, X_value = _split_groups_and_values(
X, self.groups, **self._check_kwargs
return self.__transform_groups(X_group, X_value)